Building Better
For Pinterest’s Women’s Conference, Hi, Hello helped express the theme of ‘Building Better’ with a visual brand system to activate the experience at every touchpoint.

Pinterest’s 2021 Women’s Conference brought together influential voices from around the globe to examine the status quo of challenges all women face, find ways to break from it and start to build a world that works better for all.

the building blocks
Women are no longer interested in building a better world with the uniform bricks of the way things have worked. They are redefining the way they build, and the building blocks are as unique as the women who will thrive in this new space.

Choose Wellbeing

Actionable Allyship

Personal Growth

Self-defined Success

Elevating Perspectives

visual tools


black + white photography combined with building blocks
unique color combinations per speaker

speaker introductions
The all day event was viewed by over 1,300 attendees in 15 countries. Each of the 30+ sessions started with animations that introduced the speaker.

Stock image shown in place of the speaker’s portrait

Stock image shown in place of the speaker’s portrait
Stock image shown in place of the speaker’s portrait

mailer kit